Monday, November 07, 2005

Da Magzster

Here's how I know that Magz was *really* not feeling too great:

1) She was actually lying down,

2) She actually let me work on her (Jin Shin Jyutsu), and

3) She actually let me COOK for her!

Hope it's getting better and not worse, dear sis!


At 11/8/05, 10:52 AM, Blogger Badpatty said...

Thanks for taking such good care of her, Taz. I appreciate you taking care of my buddy. Right now, though, I just wish you were around because I'm pretty achy all over. Oh, well.

At 11/8/05, 4:19 PM, Blogger magz said...

i told bad patty that you were the best sis!

oh, and BTW.. there's a waycool pair of loverly dangley silver saguros on my bathroom shelf, ya little harley momma you!

At 11/9/05, 3:54 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Thanks for being there and helpin' sis out! You're the best!
:) Lois Lane


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