Thursday, September 08, 2005

love letter

Entwined in twilight, sharing the deepest parts of ourselves, I find myself dissolving in tears. Tears of release as the tightly-held hurts of the past relinquish themselves to the balm of Love, which uncurls the clenched fist of defense and offers it up to the Light. Tiny stones of hardened scar tissue deep within my heart now start to shimmer, glisten, melt and trickle away.

Everything that has ever happened in my life has brought me to this present moment. All the confusion, anguish, ecstatsy, brilliance, depravity and banality; all the glory and all the shit, have created the person I am today. And I offer you that complexity, that utterly radiant simplicity; the best I can be, the best I can know, the best I can accept from you in kind.


At 9/8/05, 11:11 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Beautiful Taza :)

At 9/9/05, 6:16 AM, Blogger mckait said...


At 9/9/05, 7:51 AM, Blogger taza said...

Don't click on the Subliminal Messages link, it's an ad. But quit smoking seems to be a blogger profile not yet posted. Wonder if I'm simply being naive? Someone let me know if it's a spam scam!

At 9/9/05, 9:33 AM, Blogger Me said...

Urg... I think QS is a spammer. They're gettin' wilier by putting in 'personal' comments. Get Haloscan comments... I don't think they show up there, but if they do, you can delete them.

Anyway, Taza~ that was beautiful. That's what I really came here to say.

At 9/9/05, 6:43 PM, Blogger Anne said...


At 9/9/05, 6:54 PM, Blogger I n g e r said...

Ahhhh, Taza. How happy you sound. I'm smiling.

A little part of me is envious.

At 9/12/05, 7:42 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Now that is a sweee-eeet love letter!
Lois Lane

At 9/12/05, 9:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

For once I'm speechless. Stopped by to visit via Lois and to say Hello!


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