Monday, May 16, 2005

have I laughed today?

Sad to say, I don't recall any good belly-shakers today....
...they say a day's not wasted if you laugh, or something, so I better find something amusing pretty soon!!!!

I took time this morning to wrestle with Norton AV--spent $50 and several precious hours downloading, rebooting, troubleshooting--but at long last my virus definitions are up-to-date. If you are not a Symantec fan, please spare yourself the time it takes to rant about it; it's a done deal!

Then it was off to Maggie's (Puppy) Farm yet again--an hour each way--to pick up one more sweet poopie oops I mean PUPPY, for delivery to Frank-the-man-who's-hauling-away-the-junked-truck-from-my-yard. It was a short visit and a loud ride home (except for the interstate--all passengers seem to nod out on the interstate, including my son), and Angus got to cavort with a littermate for an hour because Frank was about an hour late in picking him up. I'm NOT complaining just reporting!!!

[On the way home I listened to Democracy Now, which is a cutting-edge daily news program produced by Pacifica Radio, that you can listen to online at or as I do, on my little hometown community radio station KXCI (which can also be streamed into your home via your computer from If you haven't ever heard Amy Goodman, you owe it to yourself to check it out, before the Patriot Act has us all genuflecting to Big Brother.

Nope, not feeling all that cheerful just now. Would you believe that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is feeling the pressure to bring it's point of view "more into balance" with the republican right wing? If you care to listen to Bill Moyers' address given at a conference this past weekend, I'm sure you can find it at Democracy Now's website.

I'm also going to take the opportunity to stump for KXCI; they are having a fundraiser right now, and I completely support a radio station that has live dj's you can call and talk to IN REAL TIME, who will TAKE REQUESTS! Plus the station provides that hour's worth of honest reporting every week day at 3:00 p.m.--so listen in, and pledge!--end of commercial--]

There was a teensy little part of me that was pleading the case for another puppy here at home, to provide Angus better and more comparable company than either myself or The Old Dog can supply--but the teensy part was quickly brought under control by the practical part. Ah well, what can I say, I can be pretty pragmatic at times. Whoa, how thrilling, I know!

Magz, now a technicolor redhead, was in fact getting ready to leave for the Safeway as I departed. I sure hope those other 4 puppies find good homes. I done my part best as I can.
So I am ready for a good laugh; any takers?

ciao for now.


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