cost of war
check out this link to see how much the war in iraq is costing us on a second-by-second basis. i tried to post a counter in my blog template but failed 3 times and quit trying.
you can see the cost of the war itself, the cost for your community, your state, and then also compare it to, say, the cost of feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, or educating our children.
makes you think, doesn't it?
makes me do a lot more than think!
it makes me ill.. it really does..
i stuck it on my blog.. i put it in after my flickr badge.. and after adding it and previewing it.. i had to hit ctrl refresh to see it...
hope all is well and jouful for you!
I'm sure you will know . . . What happened to Farmer Chris? His blog is gone? I had it listed in my Bloglines account, the name was changed, but when I click on it I get a "Not Found" message. He hasn't left the blogosphere has he?
I enjoy both of your blogs. I hope he comes back again . . .
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