Friday, August 05, 2005

A quiet morning at home

I didn't walk today, that's a bit of a surprise for me. I teach starting at 8:00 on Fridays, and it just didn't seem worth the rush.

My sleep patterns have changed lately and I find myself awake at an early hour, on the telephone, speaking softly with my new angel-friend. Getting up and going for a walk is usually a natural follow through, but with the Friday morning schedule it seemed kinder to just loll around at home, enjoying coffee with chocolate milk (Horizon Organic; Costco sells it in a case of 27 6-oz. boxes!) and a pb/toast sandwich.

Ahhh, simple pleasures are the best, aren't they? Staying home instead of walking. Eating a simple meal and savoring the experience--peanut butter does give one a lot to savor, doesn't it?

Choosing to indulge myself, just a little bit, on a morning when much will be demanded of me at the student clinic--and, by the way, the students are getting GLOWING reviews from their clients, I am so proud of them!

Taking care of myself, is a gift I give the rest of my world.


At 8/5/05, 10:23 AM, Blogger Ralph said...

Yes the simple pleasure are the best and that certainly does include the toasted peanut butter sandwich. Sounds like your students are doing quite well.

At 8/5/05, 7:03 PM, Blogger Anne said...

i love that for breakfast, even on work mornings. i will have to try the horizon chocolate milk things sometime, though. it sounds yummy.

At 8/6/05, 9:54 AM, Blogger I n g e r said...

That last line--man, isn't that just the thing?

You're in such a lovely place! So glad for you.

At 8/7/05, 4:01 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I'm sensing a new, higher level of sensitivity here. Are we in love??
'We', meaning you.


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