Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

yeah, it's that time of year again--my sweetie is now only 6 years younger than i am, for about a month anyway. hee hee hee.

my dear sweet man, i love you and i am forever grateful for the part you've had in my life thus far. what will be will be. i'm intending a long and happy future for us, wherever it happens. i know we are being tested now, and i'm growing more patient day by day. thank you for the gift of your love, your compassionate heart, your watery ways that sometimes frustrate me and other times delight me. you are a bright light in my life!


meanwhile, the office space will be ready by about the 15th and i am walking the tight wire of letting go of current committments in order to create room for something new to be born. (i.e. i am fricking broke and starting a new business in a week or less--where is the rent money going to come from?!)

part of me watches with caring benevolence, while another part has a little panic attack every few minutes. "TRUST" says the Voice within. "WAH!" says the part having a fit. and so it goes. sigh.

however, Tony Burroughs was just here for an Intenders workshop. (follow that link to sign up for 44 FREE email messages about the Intenders of the Highest Good!)

one of the more powerful intentions we discussed is being open to receive abundance coming from both expected and unexpected sources.

i'm reminded by this work, and by Tony's stories of last-minute miracles, that having radical trust is the only way to really understand and experience the magnitude and creativity and power of the individual to co-create their world. so i am envisioning myself as prosperous, abundant, generous, and blissfully happy in my new practice, helping others heal, healing my own self too.

here's one of my favorite messages from The Universe:

Does a rich person have to spend all their money, Taza, to feel rich?

No. That's silly. They don't even have to spend a cent, do they?

Because, Taza, it's the feeling that comes first.

Oh, you so have it made.

The Universe

have a blessed day! :)


At 11/8/06, 4:37 AM, Blogger mckait said...

I love my notes from the universe..
I sometimes print them out ( minus my name) and post them in the workroom at school..

I am wishing prosperity for you.. remember to know that you have it..
it is there waiting..

At 11/8/06, 7:09 AM, Blogger Christopher said...

Thank You Sweetie.



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