Friday, August 11, 2006

back in the saddle in tucson

i've been crazy busy since i got back and it's not letting up for the weekend. i'm going to a Sweet Sixteen party tonight up in Oracle, and tomorrow night some other friends are hosting their 21st annual Corn Roast....they buy about 10 bushels of corn and roast them in a pit fire in their yard along with green chilis. it's awesome!

here are some pix from my trip, there will be more later. right now i am baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for tonight, so my posting will be a little spotty as i have to tend to the oven.

here's sweetie and cooterang and ava out fronta cootie's house in Iowa City

and here's GUS THE POOG with his human in the background

this is blogger mary and her daughter kiran in front of the Golden Fig/River Chocolate Company on Grand Avenue in Saint Paul (they are closed on Mondays, or i'd have taken a picture of their handmade truffle assortment as well!)


At 8/12/06, 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fab photos! Ang you are a stunning beauty and Gus is too yummy for words. Taza what a fun trip, thx for sharing!

At 8/12/06, 10:39 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

What great photos, i LOVE Gus!!

At 8/14/06, 4:57 AM, Blogger Me said...

That darn Gus is sooo photogenic! And 'twas a fun morning, to boot!!

At 8/14/06, 9:00 AM, Blogger mckait said...

love these!

pretty mary and kiran!


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